Monday, November 14, 2011

Another Blog!

I've been debating about starting another blog for a while now (I know, I know... I already have more than one... But this one is different). Well, the debating is over. I went ahead and started my other blog.

The blog I just started is entitled "Bread of Life: A Testament of The Living Christ" - In case the title doesn't make the purpose clear, this blog will focus entirely on gospel topics & so on. I've posted a couple of times on different gospel topics (like Angels Among Us, Adversity, etc) but this blog would be a place where I can focus on church topics entirely. In it I hope to learn and grow and increase my own testimony of the gospel while simultaneously having the opportunity to share the gospel (I hope!) and also, hopefully, answer others' (and my own) prayers.

While I haven't really advertised my other blogs much, I hope to be better about advertising this one so that it reaches more people and will hopefully find those that need it the most.

I will be using, as sources, scriptures, general conference talks, and quotes from church leaders, as well as my own testimony and personal experiences, so that what I teach will be in line with the gospel.

Anyway, here's the link! Please check it out, give feedback, and follow! :

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